
Talent program for Christoph Kollmer

At STREICHER, Christoph Kollmer is currently undergoing an apprenticeship as road builder and convinces with an excellent performance...

[Translate to Englisch:] Begabtenförderung Christoph Kollmer

As he passed the intermediate examination of the Landesverband der Bayerischen Bauinnungen (LBB) as one of the best trainees within the district last year, he got the invitation to be part of an educational project within the "Talent Program Road Builder South of Bavaria 2018". In February, together with eight more high-performing apprentices of different Bavarian regions, Christoph Kollmer spent five days in the training center of the Bauinnung Donau-Ries in Nördlingen/Germany.

There, the trainee group designed and carried out a technically and mechanically demanding paving project. The trained working techniques shall support the future road builders to expand their skills and e.g. to act successfully within competitions. Perhaps, Christoph Kollmer can benefit from the acquired knowledge when he will pass his final exams after only two years of apprenticeship in June 2018.